Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Centenary of Zamburitz – Maung Kaung Myint .

Rear view of Zamburitz

The last day of December 2005 and The first day of January 2006 were the honour period of Wakema Citizens . They celebrated the founding of the State High School with public ceremories .This was centenary of Zamburit Hall .The first two storeyed building was constructed in 1906 . In the measurement of the area was 140 feet by 43 feet .

Front of Zamburitz
With the leadership of the head mistress and cooperation of the parent-teacher association , a large new building was built in 1950s.It was two storeyed structure of E shape.When we were young , therefore , we called our school Kyaunggyi . The rests of schools were middle schools and primary schools.Kyaunggyi was the only one high school for many decades.

Daw Pike Mi (  1951-1976 as Head Mistress )
New Basic Education High School No,2 was opened in 1990 s. So our Kyaunggyi was named No 1 BEHS . Daw Pike Mi , the most senior head mistress , was a native of the land .Working under her guidence , school discipline was good and the examination result were equally good . Although she showed her kindness to her staff and students ,she never forget to take action against their disobedience.As a mark of honour to her ,therefore,the assemble hall was named Daw Pike Mi Hall recently .

 ( Up Stair of Zamuritz , Now )
The historical and documentary photos of the school were displayed at the main hall .
All the students , old and new , paid respects to their former teachers over 60 in the hall on the 1st January morning . That night ,dinner was served for all attenders and officials on the school lawn .The old teachers and students sang songs.The night passed happily . Our school will go on forever .It waill last hundreds and thousands of years .

Written by Maung Kaung Myint  @ Centenary Magazine ( Yar-Pyae Magazine )

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